New Year, Clean Slate & Fresh Sheets
The start of a New Year can bring up a vast range of emotions, varying from person to person.
You might feel positive, excited and ready to carpe diem the sh*t out of 2023, you might have spent New Year’s Eve topping up Champagne glasses in-between ABBA grooves, or you may have curled up in a cosy duvet and opted to sleep through the countdown altogether.
Whether you find yourself relating more to option A, B, C or Z, our New Year’s check list helps make the transition into an easy, calming and enjoyable experience for all…
Organise & Declutter
Your surroundings are a direct reflection of your inner workings, and vice versa. Investing in convenient storage solutions is a simple way to keep your place clean, and your mind clear. We adore organisation mecca MUJI for all of your storage and de-cluttering needs.
Get your Glow On
Starting the day with a solid, reliable skincare regime is on the first page of the ‘that girl’ starter book. Why not kick-start every morning of 2023 with products that provide a radiant, youthful complexion? Irish skincare brand Skingredients is a personal fave of our founder Hannah.
Fresh Start? Fresh Sheets
This one is obvious: there’s no better feeling than the pride and joy of looking at a freshly made bed and knowing the soft, cloud-like experience that awaits you later that evening - if you can wait until then, that is… Shop Amurelle Bed Sheets and Bedding here.
Hydration is Key
We’ve heard this our whole lives, but somehow it still hasn’t sunken in. Our water intake is the answer for dreamy skin, optimum health and maximum productivity - oh, and that’s just the top of the list. Drink up with the perfect reusable bottle form Mother Reusables.
Healthy Body = Happy Body
You know what they say - you are what you eat. This year, ensure what you offer your temple is worthy of the goddess it houses, eat food that makes you smile on the outside as well as on the inside, and never go to bed hungry!
Plan, Plan, Plan
Not only are they the perfect January ‘gram, but checklists, diaries and planners could just be the solution to chaos itself. Trust us; once you scribble your own to-do list onto an aesthetically pleasing page, it won’t look half as intimidating. We adore The Head Plan to help us get our priorities in check before bed time each night!